Beginning of Spring

Hellebore DSC_1621.jpeg

24 Seasons [ Beginning of Spring ]

二四節気 立 春

Hello, I hope you’ve been well? This time of year, the 24 Seasons calendar is Beginning of Spring. Here are some random catch-up images from January.

皆様こんにちは。お元気ですか? 二十四節気は立春。今年は2月3日でしたね。今日は、ランダムに一月の備忘録も含めて写真をお届けします。


The Hellebores (Christmas roses) in our garden have been flowering really well this year.


hydrangea in winter

Hydrangeas, beautifully transformed lacy petals.


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tofu chestnut rice DSC_1729.jpeg

I cooked miso & tamarind flavoured flour-dusted shallow fried tofu and chestnut, left-over from the birthday cake, takikomi rice donburi bowl. The lovely ceramic is by Robyn Cove Pottery.

前回バースデーケーキの残りの栗で炊込みご飯を作りました。トッピングは小麦粉をまぶした木綿豆腐の揚げ焼きに味噌だれを絡めたもの。器はRobyn Cove Pottery 作。


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Chris baked this black sesame & dark chocolate vegan cake - utterly yummy.


black sesame chocolate cake
black sesame chocolate cake

The Studio Journal #8 [ Garnet & Pearl Collection ]

第8回 スタジオレポート [ ガーネット & パール コレクション他 ]

These gem stone & pearl collections and some new pieces will be added to EMOSIWN & LOCCA MARRIAGE soon!

半貴石とパールコレクション他、EMOSIWNとLOCCA MARRIAGEに登場します。お楽しみに!!


If you have any questions, please contact me through Contact page.

作品へのお問い合わせは、CONTACT ページより日本語にてご連絡下さい。

January Sky

We had a lot of beautiful skies in January. I guess we need to expect some more chilly days but definitely the real spring is getting closer to us. Thank you very much for visiting my blog. Take care and have a good start to the new week!


A Valentine’s Day version - Avalanche of XXOO and Freya.バレンタインバージョンの胡麻チョコレートケーキとフレヤ。

A Valentine’s Day version - Avalanche of XXOO and Freya.
