May Garden and Japanese Wisteria

mexican orange 1st may 2019
Mexican Orange photographed in May 2019

Mexican Orange photographed in May 2019

24 Seasons [ Beginning of Summer ]

二四節気 [ 立夏 ]

Hello, everyone! I hope you are all well? Today is a National Holiday, Children’s Day in Japan. On the ancient calendar, 24 Seasons, it’s the Beginning of Summer, Risshun. It’s between spring equinox and the summer solstice – a beautiful season with dazzling green. In Japan the 4th of May is a National Holiday called Midori no hi, literally means Green Day to commune with nature and to be thankful for its blessings. So today I’ll show some of the May greens in our garden.


cherry tree さくらんぼ
cherry さくらんぼ

The fruit on one of our cherry trees have been growing little by little, around 180 or so at the moment. The youngest cherry tree has just borne three berries but the year after our oldest cherry had its first berry we had about three hundred berries so we might have a lot more next year for the youngest one too.

さくらんぼの実が少しずつ大きくなってきました。今の所180個くらいでしょうか? 一番若い桜の木はぐんぐんと背が伸びて、3個だけですが実を着けています。古い方の桜は僅か一個だけだった翌年に、300個程実をつけたので、もしかすると来年は期待できるかも知れないです。

wild garlic flower
caster oil plant ヤツデ dsc_1268 (1).jpg

A lot of wild garlic blossoms are falling now but they are bearing many tiny berries. I always paid attention only to the beautiful white blossoms but these berries are really pretty too.


ヤツデ Caster Oil plant DSC_1245.jpg
caster oil plant ヤツデDSC_1252.jpg

Our castor oil plant has lots of black fruit. It is said that their winter white blossom nectar has more than 50% sugar – that’s amazing! The plant shows different elements in each season and is one of my favourite plants.


mexican orange メキシカンオレンジ DSC_1155.jpg
climbing rose DSC_1245.jpg

Our Mexican Orange had its best year for a while, but compared with a few years ago, the aroma is much subtler - but it’s still amazing.

We have hundreds of white rambling rose buds waiting to open next to the Mexican Orange and Castor Oil plant.



maple acer DSC_1289.jpg
maple acer DSC_1126.jpg
maple acer dsc_1128.jpg
maple acer DSC_1142.jpg

Lastly our maples. The first red maple leaves are all from the same plant. The light green one is beautiful too. I just found a wee insect on one of the stems.


ukiyoe wisteria IMG_7404.jpg

The Japanese Tradition #4 [ Wisteria ]

日本の伝統 #4 [ 藤 ]

It is the season when the wisteria is in full bloom in the UK at the moment. The picture is a wood-block print titled “Wisteria at Kameido Tenjin Shrine” from the series One Hundred Famous Views of Edo by Utagawa Hiroshige [1797-1858]. Wisteria appears in the ancient "Records of Ancient Matters", Kojiki from the 6th century as well as the oldest existing collection of Japanese poetry, the Man'yōshū, literally meaning the collection of ten thousand leaves as well as the Pillow Book, the oldest essay in Japan from around the late 10th century. Wisteria has always been one of the most loved flowers by the Japanese.

In the Edo period (1603 - 1868), the flower was not only ornamental but also medicinal and valued for its sugar content. Its vine fiber was used to weave textiles and the stems were used as a material in furniture making – sounds like a truly versatile plant!

 Spring sun shines on the wisteria’s under leaves
 If you kindly think of me, I will grant you my trust

 The Gosen Wakashū (Later Collection of Japanese Poems) Anonymous

イギリスでは現在藤の花が満開の季節。写真は歌川広重 名所江戸百景シリーズの一枚、亀戸天神の藤の木版画です。日本では古事記 (c712年完成。天地開闢 から推古天皇迄の史書)、万葉集 (c780年完成。和歌全20巻4516首)、枕草子 (c1001年完成。清少納言随筆 全3段)、源氏物語 ( c1008完成。紫式部小説 全54帖) と古代より愛されてきた花の一つ。




 春の日差しの届く藤の裏葉に 心のうら淋しさが溶け出でて
 あなたが私のことを信頼し想って下さるのなら 私もあなたを信じます
  森永エンゼルカレッジ 岡野弘彦 源氏物語 全講会 より

Wisteria at Dyffryn Gardens photographed in 2013 南ウェールズ、ダフリンガーデンの藤 (2013年 撮影)

Wisteria at Dyffryn Gardens photographed in 2013 南ウェールズ、ダフリンガーデンの藤 (2013年 撮影)

Unfortunately this year’s Interceltic Festival de Lorient was cancelled. It was supposed to be a very special one celebrating its 50th anniversary and featuring Brittany. It’s going to be a huge festival next year.

The UK is still in lockdown till the next blog post, hopefully it will be eased soon. Please do take care and have a beautiful May. Thank you very much for visiting my blog.



Box 柘植

Box 柘植