Early Summer Garden Report


24 Seasons [ Grain Bears and Seeds ]

二四節気 [ 芒種 ]

Hello, everyone. I hope you are well? We had some rain for the first time in a while this week. It is said that we had the sunniest May on record. We are still pretty much in the same lockdown situation so once again I will report on our little garden.

But before that here is a photo of lovely thistles. They are Scotlands national flower. Chris and I have a daily morning walk. One morning we found some on the way and I told Chris I wanted some. The very following day, He sneakily hid garden clippers and cut some for me. They had tremendously sharp thorns that Chris needed to take off his jacket to wrap the plant. I took the photo on the day we picked them and early next morning, I found lots of pollen on the surface of the flower. Unfortunately, they didn’t last long at all. We learnt they are really wild and the thorns were so sharp that they are not easy to handle at home at all.



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The cherries are getting really red thanks to the recent hot sunny weather though they seem quite small. Still there are about 180 berries on the tree.


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This pink rose is from Rhoni’s garden – it’s a fifty-year-old plant called ‘Queen Elizabeth’ and is really amazing. The perfume is just so wonderful and I just love this delicate pink colour. Though the photo was taken in 2015 and we don’t have the plant anymore, we do have a new ‘Queen Elizabeth’ in our garden and one rose is beautifully blooming at the moment.


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The very first baby apple in the garden. We have four and they are doing fine though there are some pest issues on the tree.

そして、林檎。生まれて初めての赤ちゃん誕生?! 現在4つ実をつけています。少し気がかりな所もありますが、まあまあ順調。

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Beautiful white hydrangeas have started to flower.


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Wild Garlic

Wild garlic that have repeatedly appeared on this blog post. Now tiny black seeds are popping out of the pods.


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Cat Mint

Supposed to be cats’ favourite? The small purple flowers are truly pretty.



Some of the first honesty flowers have already formed quite a lot of their large green seeds. They are definitely one of the most amazing plant seeds, turning to magical silver moon shaped beautiful seeds. The binomial name of Lunaria derives from the Latin, Luna meaning moon as the seed-pods look like the moon - how romantic :)

The purple flower shines when the sun hits it during the day. The photo was from my old blog post. We bought it at the RHS flower show in 2015. The plant is self-seeding so they have been flowering all over the garden for the last few months.

早く咲き始めた合田草は、もう種がだいぶ形になってきています。植物の中でも最も魅惑的であろうこの種は秋にはシルバームーンの姿へと変わっていきます。 学名ルナリアはラテン語のルナ(月)が語源。ほおずきの様に種を包んでいる袋が月に似ているからとの事 - ロマンチック:)


lunaria honesty seed pods
lunaria honesty seed pods

The Japanese Tradition #5 [ Japanese Sweet & Craft ]

日本の伝統 #5 [ 和菓子と工芸 ]


Today’s Japanese tradition – Japanese flavour meets Middle Eastern dessert. This Iraqi jelly-like pudding called Muhallabi doesn’t need gelatin, which is good news for vegetarians. The traditional ingredients for Muhallabi are corn flour to set the ingredients – almond milk, cardamom, rosewater, vanilla essence and a little sugar. It’s very exotic yet has a somewhat nostalgic flavour – I’m a

jelly-like-dessert lover so this was simply wonderful. This time I arranged it with Matcha green tea and Azuki sweet red beans, the typical Wagashi Japanese sweet flavours.

今月の”日本の伝統”は、中東イランとのマリアージュ。ババロアのように見えるプルプルデザート"ムハラビ "は、ゼラチンや寒天ではなく、コーンフラワーでゼリー状にしたもの。伝統的な材料はアーモンドミルク、カルダモン、ローズウォーター、バニラエッセンス、砂糖。エキゾチックだけどシンプルでどこか懐かしい味。私はアレンジを加えて和菓子代表フレーバーの抹茶と小豆を合わせました。

The Echizen-nuri lacquerware, a traditional local craft, is from two of my friends in Japan. Echizen is an old name for Fukui prefecture. Although they have a lovely round shape, they do have an important functional part, called Kodai; an area on the bottom of the bowl where you hook your fingers to help you hold the bowl.

What I love about these bowls is that the functional element is hidden behind the form. It's so thoughtful of the craftsman to make it easier for users to hold - I'm quite impressed with that.

写真の器は、日本から友達が送ってくれた越前塗りの漆器。コロンとした可愛らしい形ですが、きちんと高台が付いています。使い手への心遣い - 見えない所へ存在しているデザインに感激。


By the way, for Chris, a typical marriage, green tea with white chocolate. All the photos in this section are from my old blog posts.


Speckle Wood Butterfly アエゲリアキマダラジャノメ

Speckle Wood Butterfly アエゲリアキマダラジャノメ


Thank you very much for visiting my blog. Have a wonderful June!
