Thank you, Wales :) Hello, Scotland!

Mexican Oranges from our garden in Cardiff

Mexican Oranges from our garden in Cardiff

24 Seasons [ Grain Rains ]

二四節気 [ 穀 雨 ]

Hello, everyone! I hope you’ve been well? The 24 Seasons is Kokuu, Grain Rains. It’s the season that we have the blessed rain which brings the reward of crops of grains.

Today, I have big news to you! We finally moved to Scotland a few days ago after sorting out many complicated issues over a year. I lived in Wales for ten years and had such fabulous experiences, meeting fantastic friends and visiting amazing landscapes and encountered lots of incredible folk music. I will surely miss Wales and its people but now we’ve opened a new chapter in our life here in the same Celtic country, Bonnie Scotland. I’d love to share our new life stories from a little lake village, Lochwinnoch on this blog too. We’re still living in a temporary flat till mid May but I hope to start to share some images little by little from the next post.

こんにちは。皆様お元気ですか? 二十四節気は穀雨。穀物の成長を助ける恵みの雨が降る季節。



A view from a temporary airbnb kitchen window on the first evening we arrived. The Pink Moon welcomed us.仮住まいのキッチンからの眺め。到着の夕方、満月に近い四月のスーパーピンクムーンに迎えられて。

A view from a temporary airbnb kitchen window on the first evening we arrived. The Pink Moon welcomed us.


The beautiful blue skies on our first morning in Lochwinnoch. After the shoot, a big bee came into the kitchen to join me!この村で迎えた初めての朝。空が綺麗。この後大きな蜂がキッチンの窓から登場。

The beautiful blue skies on our first morning in Lochwinnoch. After the shoot, a big bee came into the kitchen to join me!


Evening walk around nearby lakes in the village. Beautiful sunset but still freezing cold in Scotland!!近所の湖のあたり。夜の散歩。夕陽が美しかったけれど、スコットランドのこの時期はまだまだ寒い!!

Evening walk around nearby lakes in the village. Beautiful sunset but still freezing cold in Scotland!!


A five-min walk from home. The area is covered with wild garlic. Soon it’ll be covered with white flowers.家から徒歩5分程の滝。現在、行者ニンニクの季節。もう暫くすれば一帯が白い花で覆われるでしょう。

A five-min walk from home. The area is covered with wild garlic. Soon it’ll be covered with white flowers.



Thank you for visiting my blog! Wishing you all a marvellous May:)
